Monday, December 10, 2007

We can cut greenhouse emissions at minimal cost

Read this BusinessWeek article on a recent McKinsey study.

The results are surprising. The report concludes that the U.S. can cut its greenhouse emissions in half from projected levels in 2030 at minimal cost. None of the steps would cost more than $50 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions avoided. Plus, 40% of the reductions would actually save money. That puts the overall cost at just a few dollars per ton of carbon dioxide—or in the tens of billions of dollars overall.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

It worked!

Rember my previous post? Well, it worked. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted 11-8 to report a landmark global warming bill -- America's Climate Security Act -- to the Senate floor.

On Wednesday, the committee added a low carbon fuel standard, which would cut America's dependence on carbon-based fuels and help expand the market for renewable fuels and vehicles.

Another little, but important step.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let's take action

Congress will soon vote on an energy bill that could cut America's oil dependence, make a down payment on reducing global warming pollution and usher in a cleaner energy future. But powerful auto industry lobbyists are attempting to derail this crucial legislation. Help counter the auto lobbyists and deliver a clean energy future by urging your members of Congress to obey the people, not the polluters.
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