Saturday, February 24, 2007

Baja California in danger

Ensenada Blanca
Originally uploaded by Luca Penati.
Baja California is a beautiful place. It's ecosystem is fragile, and in danger due to developers that plan to build more and more, eventually transforming the rest of Baja into Los Cabos. What they did to Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta is going to happen to Baja California.

What is happening to Ensenada Blanda (in the picture), a village of 45 people on the side of the Sea of Cortez that overlooks beautiful Danzante Island is outrageous. A developer is looking to build a huge resort in this pristine, small paradise. They bribed the local government and, against the will of the local people, they are planning to create a small Acapulco only for Americans, leaving Mexicans out of the land and livelihood they know. Today it's still a pristine bay with a few houses and a beautiful eco-lodge (, perfectly integrated with the environment and the people, where only locals can work.

We need to stop this. Or at least help to stop it. If you have any idea how, please let me know. This is not only to preserve a beautiful place, it's also to preserve the will of a village that is happy with their current way of life.

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