Monday, July 23, 2007

Another good reason to stop drinking coffee

Last November, when I stopped drinking coffee and switched to tea, I thought I was doing my body and my wallet good. My body because I've since discovered I feel much better. My wallet, because you can save around $2,000 a year if you don't buy a $2.35 "non fat latte" every day. Or at least you can spend the money differently.

What I didn't know is that I was doing something good for the environment. In fact, I just read that purchasing one cup of coffee every day in a disposable container contributes about 23 pounds of waste per year! It's crazy.

So if you really cannot live without your "latte", please bring your coffee mug with you. In most places they'll give you a discount. Better yet, order it "for here" and read the paper.

1 comment:

Dushka said...

And, no more coffee ever!